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Dr Emma Hasleton BSc(Hons), BVSc, CertAVP(GSAS), PGCert VPS, MRPharmS, MRCVS
- Veterinary Surgeon & Clinical Director
Regan Veterinary Centre
Click to learn more about Clinical Management and Small Animal Vet roles
I started working with CVS in 2015 after locuming for many years. I have a 5 children and prior to starting this role I had found the only way to achieve a work-life balance within the veterinary world was to locum.
One of the main factors that attracted me to the role at Regans and CVS was the flexible working pattern that was developed for me, in order to allow me to maintain the work-life balance that I needed and yet still allow me to progress clinically.
The flexible hours I work, means it has been possible for me to work up the management pathway to Clinical Director level, simultaneously achieve the surgical certificate and gaining advanced practitioner status, whilst still having the ability to balance this workload with my children and family life.
One of the main gripes I hear from my non-CVS vet friends, is that they don’t see their children enough/put them to bed/get to drop them at school etc. and I find that none of these are an issue for me, due to the flexibility my role offers.